聖誕節即將到來,無論在佳節前後都是每年的瘋狂購物期. 男女老少都在聖誕魔力下殺紅眼擠破頭的想要買到最好康的衣物商品. 其實想要買designer clothing並不一定要千里迢迢的殺到Woodbury Common. 在紐約市內就有很多販賣設計師過季衣物的店.
挑到手軟度: ♥♥♥♥♥
Loehmann’s website
如果你不是老紐約你就絕對不知道這家鮮為人知的店. 其實它常常出現在老影集”天才保姆(The Nanny)”,戲中女主角最常提到也最愛逛的店. 最方便到達的分店為在雀兒喜區(Chelsea).
101 7th Ave, New York, NY 10011 (corner of 16th Street)
1, 2 & 3 Train to 14th Street Station or 18th Street Station
(212) 352-0856
Mon-Sat 9am to 9pm, Sunday 11am to 7pm
Filene’s Basement website
這家其實也蠻少人知,但是自從它在Union Square開了分店後知名度有稍微提高. 有兩個分店地點較為方便,也都在downtown.
Chelsea Store: 620 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10011 (bet. 18th & 19th Street)
F & V Train to 14th Street Station or 23rd Street Station
(212) 620-3100
Mon-Sat 9:30am to 9pm, Sunday 11am to 7pm
Union Square Store: 40 East 14th Street, New York, NY 10003
L, N, Q, R, W, 4, 5 & 6 Train to 14th Street Union Square Station
(212) 358-0169
Mon-Sat 9am to 10pm, Sunday 11am to 8pm
T.J. Maxx website
好巧不巧它們有一家分店跟Filene’s Basement在Chelsea同一棟樓裡. 不想殺紅眼也難啊.
620 Ave. of the Americas, New York, NY 10011 (bet. 18th & 19th Street)
F & V Train to 14th Street Station or 23rd Street Station
(212) 229-0875
Mon-Sat 9:30 to 9pm, Sun 10am to 8pm
Daffy’s website
Daffy’s的分店是最好找也最多的. 光是曼哈頓區就有7個分店,而且大多都位於黃金地段.
東18街分店: 3 E 18th Street, New York, NY 10003 (bet. 5th Ave & Broadway)
L, N, Q, R, W, 4, 5 & 6 Train to 14th Street Union Square Station
(212) 529-4477
Mon-Sat 10am to 8pm, Sun 12pm to 7pm
中央車站分店: 335 Madison Ave, New York, NY 10017 (bet. 43rd & 44th Street)
S, 4, 5, 6 & 7 Train to Grand Central Station
(212) 557-4422
Mon-Fri 8am to 8pm, Sat 10am to 6pm, Sun 12pm 6pm
梅西百貨附近: 1311 Broadway, New York, NY 10001 (bet 33rd & 34th Street)
B, D, F, N, Q, R, V & W Train to Herald Square Station
(212) 736-4477
Mon-Thur 10am to 8pm, Fri 10am to 9pm, Sat 10am to 8pm, Sun 12pm to 7pm
蘇活區分店: 462 Broadway, New York, NY 10013 (corner of Grand Street)
N, Q, R & W Train to Canal Street Station
(212) 334-7444
Mon-Sat 10am to 8pm, Sun 10am to 7pm
Marshalls website
這家算是我本人的最愛,因為它不但有過寄衣物還有須多小東西,擺飾,床具組等等(其他家也都多少有一點,只是Marshalls較多)可以找到非常便宜的生活用品. 可惜的是它的分店都在較偏遠地區.
布魯克林分店: 625 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11201
B, Q, 2, 3, 4 & 5 Train to Atlantic Ave Station
(718) 398-5254
Mon-Sat 9:30am to 9pm, Sun 11am to 8pm
皇后區分店: 48-18 Northern Blvd., Long Island City (Queens), NY 11101
G, R & V Train to 46th Street Station (皇后區的46街,不是曼哈頓喔!)
(718) 626-4700
Mon-Sat 9:30am to 9:30pm, Sun 11am to 8pm
Century 21 website
不免俗的必須提到Century 21. 雖然它是家喻戶曉,購物狂必拜的朝聖地,可是鮮少人知道它有一家分店在布魯克林區. 真正會血拼的善男信女才會知道這家分店的商品無論是尺寸,樣式或商品擺設都比曼哈頓分店好太多. 近期它們又將在皇后區的Rego Park開設分店,想必到時膜拜的規模肯定很壯觀.
布魯克林分店: 472 86th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11209 (bet. 4th & 5th Ave)
R Train to 86th Street Station (布魯克林的86街,不是曼哈頓喔!)
(718) 748-3266
Mon-Wed 10am to 8pm, Thur 10am to 9pm, Fri 10am to 8pm, Sat 10am to 9:30pm, Sun 11am to 7pm
Jeffrey website
設計師也分大小牌和有名沒名. Jeffrey的設計師商品就算是折價過後還是會讓你看到標價時會倒吸一口氣. 可是原價一雙美金$500多的Manolo,貴不貴? 當然貴. 折價後一雙變成美金$300多,貴不貴? 廢話當然還是貴,但有沒有便宜? 有!
449 West 14th Street, New York, New York 10014 (bet. 9th & 10th Ave)
L, A, C & E Train to 14th Street Station
(212) 206-1272
Mon-Wed 10am to 8pm, Thur 10am to 9pm, Fri 10am to 8pm, Sat 10am to 7pm, Sun 12:30pm to 6pm
註一: 以上所有商店都以過季衣物為主,有時擺放商品的方式較為零亂,所以挑選時較費時費力,但如果找到喜愛的商品保證是值回票價的.
註二: 所有商店的分店位置並未一一列出,完整資訊請上官方網站.