Little Pie Company website
派是老美的comfort food.從一般Daily到高級餐廳,都少不它。小派公司Little Pie以美味的派點聞名;不管是甜中帶酸的乳酪核桃蘋果派、濃濃巧克力香的密西西比黑泥派或是季節限定的水密桃派,都是令人食指大動的選擇。烤得酥酥的派皮,甜度適中的內餡,難怪每到年末的感恩節或聖誕節,小派工廠的派總是銷售一空。小派公司的派有5″, 8″ 10″等不同選擇。尤其是小尺寸的派,不但不必擔心買太大吃不完,還能多嘗試幾種口味。除了派之外,也有蛋糕、麵包以及餅乾等其他點心選擇。不過既然叫做小派公司,當然派還是最最推薦嚕~
1. Little Pie Company (有兩處)
424 West 43 Street(between 9th and 10th Avenues)
New York, NY 10036
(212) 736-4780
2. Grand Central Terminal Lower Level Dining ConcourseNew York 10017 (CLOSED)
(Btwn Lexington & 3rd Ave)
(212) 983-3538
Grand Central Terminal 這間的分店關囉
*Unfortunately, as of July 28, 2009 our location in Grand Central has closed. Sign up to our email club and be the first to know about our new location opening in Tribeca!
thank you for your kind reminder.